Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm a lazy blogger

It was pointed out to me today that this blog hasn't been updated lately.

So here's random thoughts from me, Glenn Winkler, about Homer's:

My new favorite drink is a triple shot of espresso with whipped cream. OH YEAH!

I actually enjoy wiping down tables. I love the way they shine!

I still stink at making latte art, especially when people are watching. TOO MUCH PRESSURE!

I'm not surprised how well the quiche has been selling. Who doesn't like a delicious quiche?

Black coffee is usually how I start my day, no cream, no sugar, just coffee.

Cutting Tiramasu is a job better left to Vanessa, I always mess it up.

We get our milk and some other supplies from Sam's, sometimes they have samples. That equals free food for me.

I have to go to the dentist in 30 minutes. I HATE THE DENTIST. Maybe I'll reward myself when I get back with a triple shot with whipped cream......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your espressos. They make me smile. Also I have not yet tried the quiche but maybe next time.